Thursday, November 22, 2007

happy thanksgiving? ha!

As some of you know, I had to work every day this week. Including Thankgiving, which was today.

Today was one of the worst days of my life. I'm not being dramatic. Okay, maybe I'm being a little dramatic. But it's justified.

I just don't understand how people can honestly be so cruel. I run into some of the worst people in the world while waiting tables. It's Thanksgiving day. Our diner is actually ON Broadway, which is where the parade runs, so you can soon as the parade was over, we were SLAMMED. Any sane person could see that I was running like hell to get everyone's drinks and orders in. And then jumping up to sing in the middle of it all. I didn't have a single break from 9am until after 8pm. I didn't stop to eat. I didn't stop to take a sip of water. And as a consequence, I just about fainted at the end of the day. But do people care about this at all? Do people care that I'm working Thanksgiving holiday; I'm serving them on THANKGIVING DAY, when I should be with my family and friends? Of COURSE NOT. Where's your fucking holiday spirit? I'm the nicest person ever to my tables. If you can't bring yourself to be polite to a waiter working on Thanksgiving holiday to serve and entertain your snobby selfish ass, then I feel sorry for you.

I'm so angry right now. Once I sleep I'll feel better, but right now, I don't think I've ever been this sad and frustrated with people.

On the bright side, some folks were very nice. I wish I could just focus on that and think about the nice people out there. People that left me a large tip on top of the automatic gratuity. People that wished me a sincere happy holiday season.

Also, when I was shoving through everyone trying to get to work, I saw one float of the Macy's Parade. And it had Dolly Parton on it. That was cool.


Anonymous said...

I'll bet Dolly Parton had days like this. And imagine if her worst Thanksgiving was half as bad as this, you could be *twice* as good as she is!

Dolly Parton < Whitney Houston < 2*Dolly Parton = You?

where < is in terms of popularity of said artist's performance of "I will Always Love You"

Grace Walton said...

Mikah I love you and I hated waiting tables too! It´s so hard especially on the holidays. At least they have Thanksgiving in your country, ha? Oh well next Thanksgiving will be all the more special after such a bad one.