Wednesday, November 28, 2007

sigh of relief

Well, life's good now. Things got a little worse before they got better. My ipod was stolen at work the day after Thanksgiving. The thing is, I didn't even freak out about it. I'm okay. I can afford to buy another one. Go me. (Although, wouldn't it have been nice to put that 250 bucks towards something else, like a phone that doesn't look like it's from the 80s, or perhaps Christmas presents?! Sigh. Anyway. Moving on.)

Good Things That Have Happened Lately:

1. Nicer customers.
2. Better tipping customers.
3. Everything at work seems so EASY now compared to that one hellish day.
4. I'm getting to know some of my coworkers, and I like them a lot. They seem to like me okay too.
5. I saw Enchanted. I can't profess enough love for this movie. It's the best I've seen in a long time. This movie is beautiful, charming, inspiring, just altogether fantastic. It's getting rave reviews across the board, especially for the endearing lead "princess" Amy Adams. I walked out of the movie theatre feeling so optimistic and excited about life. And that feeling hasn't really left since. I've been walking around giggling, singing, enjoying the weather, smiling at frowny people. Yeah, I'm probably annoying as hell, but I don't care one iota!
6. I did laundry. FINALLY. Whew. That's such a relief.

Unfortunately, I am still a little sick. It doesn't seem to want to leave. I think all the sickness that exists in New York City attacked me and my immune system is all frantic like, "whoa! What are these new germs? These aren't the germs down in Texas." I've been fighting it with everything you could possibly imagine: Mucinex, Airborne, Emergen-C, tea, water, Echinogea, Zicam, extra sleep, you name it I've tried it. I'm giving it my all. I WILL kick this thing.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

happy thanksgiving? ha!

As some of you know, I had to work every day this week. Including Thankgiving, which was today.

Today was one of the worst days of my life. I'm not being dramatic. Okay, maybe I'm being a little dramatic. But it's justified.

I just don't understand how people can honestly be so cruel. I run into some of the worst people in the world while waiting tables. It's Thanksgiving day. Our diner is actually ON Broadway, which is where the parade runs, so you can soon as the parade was over, we were SLAMMED. Any sane person could see that I was running like hell to get everyone's drinks and orders in. And then jumping up to sing in the middle of it all. I didn't have a single break from 9am until after 8pm. I didn't stop to eat. I didn't stop to take a sip of water. And as a consequence, I just about fainted at the end of the day. But do people care about this at all? Do people care that I'm working Thanksgiving holiday; I'm serving them on THANKGIVING DAY, when I should be with my family and friends? Of COURSE NOT. Where's your fucking holiday spirit? I'm the nicest person ever to my tables. If you can't bring yourself to be polite to a waiter working on Thanksgiving holiday to serve and entertain your snobby selfish ass, then I feel sorry for you.

I'm so angry right now. Once I sleep I'll feel better, but right now, I don't think I've ever been this sad and frustrated with people.

On the bright side, some folks were very nice. I wish I could just focus on that and think about the nice people out there. People that left me a large tip on top of the automatic gratuity. People that wished me a sincere happy holiday season.

Also, when I was shoving through everyone trying to get to work, I saw one float of the Macy's Parade. And it had Dolly Parton on it. That was cool.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Where I work now.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

slow down

Sometimes I try so hard to stay in control that I miss out on the little pleasures in life. I try so incredibly hard not to look naive, that I become more cynical than I want to be.

I want to slow down. I want to take my time and marvel at this wonderful world. At this wonderful city. I want to take pictures. I want to be a tourist. I don't want to care what other people think.

I want to make mistakes. I don't want to anticipate the things that are going to go wrong. I want to be surprised, both pleasantly and unpleasantly. I want to take chances.

I want that childlike innocence and curiosity about everything and everyone in my life.

I'm a waitress trying to be a performer in New York City. I have to accept that. I'm a total cliche and I can't pretend I'm not. But I have to be proud of my career choice, and own up to it in front of other people. I don't have to always make jokes about it. I don't have to make excuses for what I'm doing with my life.

Friday, November 2, 2007

happy halloween

I was at work, feeling sorry for myself as usual. Looking outside at everyone in their costumes. They all looked like they were having such fun. I was sure most of them were all going to huge wonderful parties to have the time of their life. And the rest of them were going to the parade. I was standing in front of the door, hostessing, being fake nice, freezing my butt off, prepared to stay until midnight or 1 in the morning.

THEN my wonderful amazing magnificent boss Tony saunters up to me. And says, "you want to go home?" I thought I was hearing things. I had him repeat it. It was a slow night. He didn't need me for the night. I COULD GO HOME.

All of a sudden, my mood changed! I was the happiest girl in the world! My heart was light and joyful! I WAS FREE! I think the subway ride home was the most joyful time I've spent in New York so far. I felt like jumping up and serenading all the stoic silent people next to me.

But that's not all. That's not the end of this oddly wonderful night.

I got a phone call from my roommate inviting me to a Halloween party. Costume not necessary. So I spontaneously hopped back on the subway and headed back into the city. It's not until I met up with her and started heading to the party when it hit me that she works for Xanadu (backstage assistant) and we were headed to the Xanadu Broadway cast party. We walked in to the upstairs section of the fancy-schmancy bar. It was a small invite-only party, so Danielle had to tell the door guy "who we knew". We got tickets for free drinks. I was suddenly immersed in all these industry people, some I recognized from pictures. Then...Kerry Butler and Cheyenne Jackson showed up. I couldn't believe I was at a party with these people I look up to so incredibly much. But I couldn't talk to them. I was at a party with them, and could talk to the people Danielle knew -- some musicians, some backstage crew...but not the actors. I didn't want to look like a crazy theatre fan. I was trying so hard to blend in and look cool.

In a way, it was frustrating. It was close, and yet so far away. Half of me felt like I belonged there and fit in perfectly. The other half of me realized that I was light years away from actually BEING THERE.

Still, the night inspired me. I want to start auditioning again.

It's funny the little things that make you happy. It's funny the little things that make your LIFE. But thank goodness for them.