Saturday, October 6, 2007

substitute teaching

Grace just called me from Spain (I miss her!!) and inspired me to write in my blog again. She's up there being an "au pair", which I sure don't know how to pronounce, but it means "nanny." I'm so envious.

I have a little over a week until my big move. I'm not taking hardly anything up there. My parents are flying with me, and we're each taking two suitcases filled with my clothes and books. This is the most I've ever had to downsize. It's probably a good thing. It's hard for me to simplify my life unless I'm forced to. Surprisingly, it was harder for me to decide which books to take than which clothes. Who would've thought?!

Ahhh, so what have I been doing with myself lately? Here, stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no company except for my parents, the donkeys, and the occasional weekend visitor (thank you Lara, Anna, and Melanie)...I've been teaching. Every day. And while there are moments I enjoy, on a whole I basically want to shoot myself. I don't know how much more I can take. Here are some highlights:

  • "Miss Mikah! Hunter just said 'friggin'!"
  • (after I said 'dang it'): huge gasp from everyone, one little girl says: "MISS MIKAH! say 'DARN it'! that's a nicer word!"
  • (from me): "Claire, please button your pants and get out from under the table. And stop coloring on Nick."
  • (on the playground, this little girl is bawling her face off...I thought she was hurt, so I get out my first aid kit, but then she says in between her tears): "Miss Mikah--(sob)--Chip won't push me--(sob)--on the merry-go-round!"

And I have to tell you...whoever invented this thing called the "tattle bag" was an absolute genius. It solves so much. Let me tell you a secret you might have known already: little kids LOVE to tattle. It's their favorite pastime. But apparently, they believe anything. There's a brown paper bag sitting in the corner of the classroom with "Tattle Bag" in it. Anytime someone comes up to me to complain or whine, I tell them to tell the tattle bag. And the crazy thing is, they actually do it! Happily! You should see their faces when they tell the tattle bag. They'll look at the person they are telling on, with this look that says "ha! I really showed you!" They are the most gullible little buggers ever!

Kids are a complete mystery to me. I don't think I'll ever understand them. I'm trying, though.


Grace Walton said...

Mikah I love reading your blog but you need to post more. I want to know about everything. I think I might actually hate children now too. This experience has changed me. Oh well, at least I won´t ever want to go into teaching,

MKuehler said...

Wow I never thought of the tattle bag. When I subbed for an elementary school, tattling was definitely there. I just ignored it most of the time because the kids were for the most part so well-behaved, which was a nice change from the rest of the schools in the district.