Saturday, October 20, 2007

i've arrived!

So, I'm here! In New York City. I am officially a New Yorker (or technically, an Astorian) and I don't think I've ever been happier than I am this morning. It's a gorgeous fall day outside. I'm the Starbucks at Ditmars/31st in Astoria, which is great. The energy here is amazing. People are so nice. I feel like I'm a perfect fit for this place; I feel like I'm meant to be here. I already got a MetroCard and I'm planning on using it all day today since I have nothing incredibly important to do. I can't really start job hunting until Monday. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself because I don't feel like doing it today. I just feel like exploring and enjoying myself.

My apartment is unbelievable. It's kind of a miracle. Here's a few reasons why:

Bus stop on the corner
Quick commute to midtown
Laundromat on the corner
SAFE neighborhood
Hardwood floors
Beautiful kitchen area with granite counters & bar
Good sized closet
Great roommate

The only drawbacks are the bad paint job and the 15 minute walk to the subway. Honestly, I don't even mind the walk. At least I didn't this morning. I'm sure in the middle of the bitter winter I'll change my mind.

And my room is SO CUTE (I'll take pictures when I'm done decorating)! And can you believe I have a good sized closet? And a backyard? And the neighborhood is gorgeous. I got up early and jogged this morning. I had to; it was too beautiful outside. Then I walked here, which is an adorable area. It's like a mini midtown, with more young artsy people than anyone else.

Last night was my parents' last night here. We had dinner with Danielle's family. I'm incredibly lucky to get a roommate as wonderful as her. I think we're going to get along really well. We're going into the city tonight to meet up with some guys Danielle met from work. I'm really excited to start meeting people!

On a side side note, I still have no desire to start auditioning and get back into "theatre mode." I am officially burned out. I DO want to take some random classes that are somewhat related to performing. I'd really like to take a good improv class. And maybe learn how to meditate. I think I need to "feed my soul" and feel inspired again before I jump back in.

I'm sorry this post is annoyingly happy, I just thought I'd take advantage of this joyous mood I'm in and write so I can remember it. I'll be sure and fill you in on all the crappy things that happen, too. :) But that hopefully won't be til much later...after the honeymoon phase is over!


Anonymous said...

Mikah! I love it! It sounds fabulous!

Jill said...

Mikah, I am so happy for you! I wish I was there with you, enjoying the cool weather and the beautiful atmosphere. I can only imagine it. Take some pictures for me, of your apartment and your neighborhood. You're there!

Anonymous said...

Mikah!!!!! That is soooo fun!!! WOW! I hope I get to come visit sometime soon! I am so glad you are loving your life! Keep us posted on job interviews and everything..and I mean EVERYTHING missy!
Love you