Wednesday, October 31, 2007

good news and bad news

I have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?

The good news? Great.

I got a new job that is hopefully going to make me a lot happier than my current one. It's the singing waitress job at Ellen's Stardust Diner. Also on Times Square. Also a huge tourist attraction. I am going to be wearing a poodle skirt and singing karaoke for a living. However cheesy this sounds, the pay is much much (MUCH) better than my current job. Oh, and another plus is that I finally get to randomly burst into song without annoying people. I couldn't be happier. I feel like I'm finally taking a step forward, and even though it's a very small step, I think it will lead to good things.

The bad news? The very very (VERY) bad news?

I'm not going to be able to come home for Christmas. That was their condition. If they hired me, no Christmas break. I'll have my "Christmas" break sometime in January. You have no idea how upset I am about this. I almost didn't take the job because of it.

Also, it wasn't fun telling my current boss that I was quitting after a mere week, leaving them without a hostess. Or, "hostessless."

So...I have an idea. I think everyone should come to New York for Christmas. Seriously. Leave your family (or heck - bring your family!), hop on a plane, stay with me. We'll have a tree, and hot chocolate, and presents. I'll cook a big Christmas dinner! Or, you know, we could go out. Either way. That would be so nice. And not so lonely.


Anonymous said...

I understand about not going home for Christmas. I cannot go home either. I mean, I don't work ON Christmas, but I do work Christmas Eve. That and the shows that I am in are extending their runs to just before Christmas. My mom told me to think of it like military people do. You have Christmas when you have Christmas. It is just a day. So, try thinking of it like that...although...I am pretty sure that while I accept it logically...emotionally it will hit me and I'll probably cry a lot. But that's a part of growing up. But make sure you have somebody/somebodies to spend a bit of the holiday with. I miss you puddin'.


Grace Walton said...

Aww Mikah I won´t be home for Christmas either this year, for the very first time. It´s going to be hard for both of us but I think this is just part of growing up. And you know what? From now on when we are home for Christmas we will just appreciate it even more. I think it´s going to be a good thing in the long run. But I will miss seeing you! Love-GM