Tuesday, March 11, 2008

mikah the composer

A recent blog by one of my college friends brought back a memory that makes me smile.

When I was in 2nd grade, Andrea and I were going to start a band. It was going to be called "BFF: Best Friends Forever." I remember parts of our first song. "The grass is green, the sky is blue. You like me, and I like you." So simple! Is that really how simple life was back then? Or were we just trying to put together any words that rhyme? I'm guessing a little of both. :)

The rest of the lyrics were various phrases like..."the dolphins swim", "the birds fly", and my personal favorite: "the ladybugs crawl." I don't really remember the rest: maybe she does? But we would dance around on the Chamberlin school playground coming up with this "song." The song had a tune that wasn't very melodic and changed almost every day, but still, we just knew it was going to make us famous.

In a way, I'm still this idealistic and naive. I still have this [sometimes ridiculous] hope for all these many projects I start. I still think that someday in the future something miraculously wonderful is going to happen to me. The difference is that now things get so complicated. When I focus on the future I see a lot of obstacles and hoops to jump through. Sometimes it all gets so complicated that I just want to go back to skipping around on the playground singing nonsensical rhymes.


Pretty in Manhattan said...

So cute. Very true though!! I remember starting a band. We were called The Melodramatics!!! It was composed of 3 people...me, my boyfriend at the time Russell, and Matthew. I have the funniest picture of us..with the mic, the guitar and Matthew with his mini keyboard!! WHAT WERE WE THINKING??

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